Why should I run as a candidate if it’s unlikely I’ll get elected?
Firstly, Save the Planet is trying to get candidates elected. However, in Australia, a candidate can make, and has made a huge difference without getting elected. Influencing other parties In Australia candidates speak with each other during the election campaign at various times and more formally so they can order the preferences on their how-to-vote card (or senate preferences). This is the opportunity for climate emergency candidate to share ‘shock and awe speaking points’ with potential policy makers. The conversations Save the Planet candidates had with the likely councillors during the 2016 Darebin election campaign were key to getting Darebin to become the first council to pass a climate emergency motion thus kicking off the global council climate emergency movement. While most other parties do preference deals, Save the Planet preferences are based solely on climate policy (see an example here) so we can ask for more from other candidates. Through preferencing discussions, two other minor parties have formally adopted (although not followed through with) the suite of Save the Planet climate policies. Save the Planet tells the truth about the climate emergency. In candidate forums, we have seen other candidates once hearing the Save the Planet candidate speak, and advocate for more from their own party. Educating the Community Leafleting, door knocking, handing out how to vote cards, speaking at public forums, poster and stickers, and speaking directly to voters is how we share the climate emergency message with the public. The education focuses people on both the threat of global warming, the need solutions and the emergency mobilisation we need if we are to save ourselves. Every seat where we run a candidate will have a climate-emergency party name on the ballot exposing those voters to the concept of the climate emergency. (the ballot name is being negotiated with One Planet, the party we joined forces with to get registered). What if I’m not the best person to run? There is no current competition for who will be the candidate in each seat. If you meet all of the criteria below, you are most likely the best person to run:
What’s the difference between StP and other ‘climate’ parties? There are crucial criteria:
2. Emergency Mobilisation focus Restoring a safe climate, cannot be achieved via business as usual operations. We need the federal climate emergency declaration and then mobilise and prioritisation of resources to reduce and drawdown emissions and build societal resilience to current and coming impacts. This task is so huge it cannot be achieved via business as usual operations - or even tweaked business as usual. We need the federal climate emergency declaration and then a restructuring of federal and state governments to mobilise. 3. Broad climate policies that cover every sector of the economy Most other parties focus on stationary energy and transport only. Save the Planet has climate emergency policies on all sectors affecting global warming including energy, transport, forestry, land management, animal agriculture, population, democratic systems, climate justice, climate refugees, resilience geo-engineering and even the structure of our economy and monetary system itself. Most other parties define global warming as just an energy and transport issue. 4. Climate emergency targets Targets set the pace for how fast we need to work. Of course, this work should have started decades ago. Save the Planet’s targets are:
While these targets would be unrealistic under a business as usual scenarios, the are not for an emergency scenario. Beyond Zero Emissions has modelled and costed many sector plans. The question of how we would pay for this is immaterial. When governments undertake mobilisation, they print money. Why should Australia adopt such targets when we account for less than 2% of emissions (coal exports notwithstanding)? Because:
Wouldn’t I be taking votes from the lesser evil/my next favourite party/helping the worst party to win? Most Australians are confused by how our voting system works and think voting for a minor party or independent is a waste. This is simply not the case. As voters we rank the parties in order of our preferred choice on our ballot papers from "1" (most preferred) to least preferred. If no candidate gets the required number of votes to win, which in a single member electorate is 50% of the vote plus 1 vote, candidates with the least votes get knocked out and their votes are distributed at full value to remaining candidates. See this 1 minute video for a more detailed and graphical explanation. Multi-member (eg. Senate, Victorian Upper House) electorates are slightly more complex. However, the same principles apply: a minimum number of votes is required for each available position, and those candidates with the lowest number of votes are knocked out of the race and have their votes redistributed at full value until all the positions are filled. The only difference is that excess votes from candidates who have already been elected to a position have their votes redistributed at a reduced value proportional to the amount of excess votes they received until all positions are filled. Excess vote redistribution is explained in the following 7 minute video or Juice Media’s version here. What campaigning would be required as a candidate? The sky is the limit but at a bare minimum you would be required to:
How much would it cost? The cost of candidate registration $2,000 - Federal $250 VIC Local* $125 NSW Local* *TBC prior to the election The cost of printing leaflets/how to vote cards $200+ Social media hits Optional Coreflutes usually run around $20 each depending on the size of the order Other miscellaneous costs The AEC’s cost of running a Lower House candidate has doubled in price this election. However, fundraising could be part of the election campaign. What support is provided? Save the Planet provides template leaflets/how-to-vote cards, media releases and on call support. We provide candidate information pack and training face to face or via phone etc. During the election a national campaign manager will be available to answer your questions and provide support. When would I have to start campaigning? The sooner the better. Letterboxing is good anytime as material from political organisations is exempt from the ‘no junk mail’ sticker. What rights do I have - would I have to quit my job? This will depend on your employer. Public servants are usually ruled out from running in federal elections and most state elections (in Victoria the Human Rights Charter enables political candidacy in state elections but candidates still need to inform their manager they intend to run). Other employees will have to check with their union in the first instance and then their employer, who may turn out to be very supportive. What about other non-climate policies? Save the Planet candidates are expected to prioritise climate emergency messaging and not talk about other issues, as important as they may be, unless asked specifically i.e. by a member of the public or ask to speak at a non climate public forum. If speaking at a non climate focused forum you can focus on almost any topic to climate change with a bit of practice. The climate emergency is the most important issue to talk about. Without restoring a safe climate we have nothing. Other candidates will steer the conversation to other topics because they are not as difficult. If elected you are effectively an independent on non climate issues and can vote accordingly. How do I apply to become a candidate for the federal election? Go to this link.
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Today is more than a new year - it will need to be the beginning of a new era in climate campaigning1/1/2020 By Philip SuttonToday is the first day of 2020 and I think 2019 needs to be the last year of a thirty year era of climate campaigning and action. Across the country fires are raging, with a scale and intensity that confirms that Australia and the world is now living in the early stages of truly catastrophic climate change. Climate disaster has become a now issue. It is not surprising that the Oxford Dictionaries selected "climate emergency'" as the 2019 word of the year. Across the globe people have spent the last 30 years incrementally working to reduce emissions in the hope that we can stop the warming before it becomes dangerous. But after those 30 years we have reached the point where the climate IS clearly dangerous, right now (and worse and worse is in the pipeline if current trends are allowed to continue). The climate movement needs to rediscover the climate issue afresh, as it actually is now (and not as we have became habituated to thinking about it over past decades). Let's work through the logic given the situation we are in, at the start of 2020. The world is dangerously too hot now. Because of current climate change impacts, much of the doubt about the reality of climate change is evaporating. More and more people are beginning (very reasonably) to demand that governments take action to protect them –immediately. Two scenarios could unfold from here. With fires, droughts, heatwaves on land and in the seas, storms, floods etc. battering people and ecosystems, the cost of coping with impacts and recovering and taking adaptive action to lessen the impacts is mounting so rapidly that it would be very easy for societies to switch most of their 'climate' expenditures into dealing with here-and-now impacts. What might this world start to look like? Water shortages will be dealt with principally by investing in desal plants. Forests and woodlands will be too dangerous to live near and they will be mercilessly control-burned or perhaps even cleared. Agriculture will need to be shifted as much as possible into controlled environments (ie. into vast buildings). Across the globe, anyone too poor to invest in such controlled environments will be abandoned (ie. a large percentage of the rural poor and indigenous people living on country), Sea walls will be built, or deltas and coasts abandoned. Marine and terrestrial natural ecosystems will be abandoned. Borders will be closed and people will close their hearts to the struggling and the dying. Wars and insurrections will become more and common in areas too poor to adapt, and quite possibly beyond, and the culture of global cooperation will die. But remember that this is a world that is 'dealing ' with climate change and investing huge amounts very urgently in the process. Is there a better scenario that we could bring into being instead? What might things look like if enough communities around the world decide to do two big things simultaneously, that is:
What has to be done to achieve the second point? If the earth is dangerously too hot now it means that:
Do we know how to carry out any of these steps? Zero emissions: Over the last 50 years a huge amount of work has been put into developing zero emissions energy technologies and this effort has finally delivered technologies that are cost competitive against fossil fuels. So the main things we need to do now is mobilise the political will to urgently close down emissions generating energy systems (covering the use of coal and gas and oil). We also need to accelerate the development and deployment of zero emissions technologies across all the other sectors of the economy. While we absolutely must adopt zero emissions technology at emergency speed, doing so will result in cleaning up the air in regions that burn a lot of coal. This necessary clean-up process will remove particle pollution that has a net cooling effect (lowering the warming effect of coal burning). So, by itself, going to zero emissions (which we must do) will by itself raise the global temperature, once-off by about half a degree. So something more needs to be done. Full scale CO2 drawdown: The earth can be cooled (eventually) by taking all the excess CO2 out of the air. The lowest cost CO 2 capture and storage technologies depend on photosynthesis-driven biological systems – but these systems cannot be scaled enough to deal with all the CO2 that has to be taken out of the air. So additional physical/chemical methods will need to be developed that are affordable at the necessary scale. We know that full-scale CO2 drawdown could take many decades or even hundreds of years to complete. So the cooling effect of the drawdown strategy will not be strong enough for a long time – meaning that massive damage could be done to human societies and natural ecosystems and biodiversity in the meantime. Direct cooling using solar reflection methods. It is already known that the earth can be cooled back to the pre-industrial level at relatively low direct financial cost using solar reflection methods – and the target temperatures could be reached in just a few years. What is not known is whether this can be done with clear environmental/social net benefit globally (ie. would damaging side effects outweigh the direct benefits?). Clearly solar reflection methods should not be used if the net environmental/social benefit is not positive. But given the staggering social and ecological damage that will be done if temperature relief is not delivered very fast indeed, it seems like it would be highly prudent and ethically compelling to immediately ramp up research and development aimed at creating net beneficial solar reflection methods. What does our new situation mean for action and activism? We need to commit to a maximum protection approach to climate action and therefore be clear about:
We need to bring the urgency of real and timely protection to bear on climate campaigning. We can no longer approach climate campaigning largely via a string of drawn out limited target campaigns. We have to press governments to deliver a climate emergency action package that covers “everything”:
Ideally we would want the national government to take the lead from the start and to mobilise the country around this action program. But for practical purposes the current government is best understood as “the fossil fuel industry in government”. And even if Labor won the next federal election, its culture is currently focused on trade-offs and “doing a bit of everything, good and bad, fairly slowly”. Instead, for our immediate action, we need to look a bit further down the government hierarchy to find the critical next focus for action. Between 2016 and 2019, 83 local councils passed climate emergency declarations in Australia (and over 1000 globally). This process needs to be extended to more councils to build the community base, and extended to cover the adoption of an effective action program. But the big qualitative shift for 2020 needs to be to get a number of state governments to declare a climate emergency and adopt the action program described above. This process focusing on the states and territories began on 16 May 2019 when the ACT Legislative Council declared a climate emergency and the potential was further indicated on 25 September 2019 when the South Australian Legislative Council passed a motion calling for a declaration of a climate emergency. We need to be practical, recognising that the fossil fuel industry has its claws less securely into the body politic in some states and territories more than others. You can see this with the ACT, South Australia and Tasmania. There is also potential in NSW and Victoria. If these two big states could be got over the line then the country would really start to shift. Australia is a hybrid polity – part democracy, part monetocracy. To shift Victoria and NSW we will have to convince a large segment of the business community that their wellbeing doesn’t depend on following the interests of the fossil fuel industry, quite the opposite in fact. Building a powerful business alliance against the fossil fuel industry is not a crazy idea. In the 1970s and 80s the mining industry took on the manufacturing industry to press for the elimination of import tariffs. The manufacturing industry was the Goliath with 25% of the business dollars in the economy and the mining industry was the David controlling only about 5% of the business dollars. But the mining industry was eventually able to build an alliance that controlled more than 25% of the dollars in the economy and the alliance together with some skilful strategising rolled the manufacturers and got the tariff change they wanted. The fossil fuel industry in Australia is still a minority economic force controlling less than 10% of the business dollars. But the rest of the economy is not yet fully aware that its interests do not lie with the fossil fuel industry. A campaign to get the NSW and Victorian governments on side for a climate emergency program will depend on mobilising both the community and business around a climate emergency action demand.. And doing both these things will depend on getting support across the political spectrum. Already there are signs that the Liberals and Nations are facing very real internal tensions over the climate issue. The climate emergency campaign began in Australia in 2016 and was created by grassroots climate activists. In the 3 years since then the campaign has built momentum globally, culminating in the passage of a climate emergency motion by the European Parliament on 28th November 2019. The challenge for 2020 is for all of us climate activists to do what we can to get the mainstream climate movement to come at the climate issue afresh, acknowledging that the strategies of the last 30 years are past their use-by date. Now that we are living in the early stages of catastrophic climate change, we have to pull off a massive, urgent and improbable climate rescue. That will require new thinking and new action.
AuthorsBloggers on this page include Adrian Whitehead, Philip Sutton, Bryony Edwards, Andrea Otto, David Lughermo. Categories
July 2022